New Images
- Anonymous Italian, Venus
- Appian, Bords du Ruisseau
- Beham, Ornament with a Palmette
- Benoit, A Grove of Trees
- Berman, Destruction Ancient City
- Bonasone, Sculptures of Persians
- Brissot de Warville, Parc à Moutons
- Brizio, Satyr Spying on a Nymph
- Brouet, Grand Saint-Ouen
- Buhot, Idée du Frontispice
- Cameron, Glen Strae
- Charlet, Une Reconnaissance
- Cochin, Hercule Gaulois
- Collaert, St. Maclovius (St. Malo)
- Coornhert, Battlefield in America
- Daubigny, L’Heritage de la Voiture
- Denon,Family Seated Near a Wall
- Dietterlin, Ornamented Fountain
- Dugas, La Pentecôte
- Duplessis-Bertaux, The Church
- Dürer, The Young Couple
- Fantin-Latour, Baigneuses
- Gillot, Livre de Portières
- Good, Portrait of a Lady
- Grasset, La Belle Jardinière
- Gropper, The Art Patron
- Hackaert, A la Cava
- Haid, Woman Lighting Her Pipe
- Higgins, Two Peasants Arguing
- Hollar, Woman of Antwerp
- Huybrechts, Ornament
- Israels, A Scheveningen
- Lalanne, Le Pont des Arts
- Lalanne, Passage de la Marmite
- Legros, La Pêche à la Truble
- Lepic, Le Président Arbod
- Levine, A Hand Holding a Cigar
- Nadelman, Reclining Female Nude
- Nolpe, Peasant Man and Woman
- Nolpe, Peasant Woman
- Nura, Seraphine Sews
- Ossenbeeck, The Merchant
- Ostade, Bust of a Peasant
- Piranesi, Ruins of the Neronian
- Paunzen, Pastorale, Allegro, No. 89
- Quaglio, Falconing Party
- Rados, Title Page
- Rados, Acquedotti e Rovine Antiche
- Rados, Carceri nella Tragedia
- Rops, Ma Grand’ Tante
- Salamanca, Stratonice Mithridatis
- Sampson, Paris Rooftops
- Schmutzer, Holländerin mit Kuh
- Taquoy, Horses and Hounds
- Viera, Coronis Pursued by Neptune
- Vliet, Hunchbacked Beggar
- Voyez, La Visite Inattendue
- Willman, The Four Seasons
- Wit, Onder of Over (Under or Over)
Le Président Arbod
Etching and drypoint, 1875, Bibliothèque National Inventaire 99, 240 x 159 mm. A very fine impression, with burr and plate tone, on laid japan paper with good margins, signed in blue pencil. Arbod clearly looks like a president, but president of what, we are not vouchsafed to know. The print is, however, a sympathetic and rather moving portrait of an elderly man at his desk, the product of a supposed “amateur” printmaker who was actually a major influence on printmaking in France in the later nineteenth century. Three of his monoprints hang in the current show of Degas at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, if memory serves, the only prints not by Degas in that spectacular show.
New Images