New Images
- Anonymous Italian, Venus
- Appian, Bords du Ruisseau
- Beham, Ornament with a Palmette
- Benoit, A Grove of Trees
- Berman, Destruction Ancient City
- Bonasone, Sculptures of Persians
- Brissot de Warville, Parc à Moutons
- Brizio, Satyr Spying on a Nymph
- Brouet, Grand Saint-Ouen
- Buhot, Idée du Frontispice
- Cameron, Glen Strae
- Charlet, Une Reconnaissance
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- Collaert, St. Maclovius (St. Malo)
- Coornhert, Battlefield in America
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- Gillot, Livre de Portières
- Good, Portrait of a Lady
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- Haid, Woman Lighting Her Pipe
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- Hollar, Woman of Antwerp
- Huybrechts, Ornament
- Israels, A Scheveningen
- Lalanne, Le Pont des Arts
- Lalanne, Passage de la Marmite
- Legros, La Pêche à la Truble
- Lepic, Le Président Arbod
- Levine, A Hand Holding a Cigar
- Nadelman, Reclining Female Nude
- Nolpe, Peasant Man and Woman
- Nolpe, Peasant Woman
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- Ossenbeeck, The Merchant
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- Piranesi, Ruins of the Neronian
- Paunzen, Pastorale, Allegro, No. 89
- Quaglio, Falconing Party
- Rados, Title Page
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- Rados, Carceri nella Tragedia
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- Schmutzer, Holländerin mit Kuh
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Reclining Female Nude
Unknown relief technique, unrecorded, ca. 1920, 280 x 388 mm. (sheet size). The facture of this print by the eminent sculptor remains a mystery. The image is clearly in Nadelman’s elegant drawing style, but the inked lines are deeply impressed into the paper, as would be those of a woodcut printed with considerable pressure. But this is clearly not a woodcut. Can it be a drawing somehow transferred to a relief-printed metal plate, whose plate edges do not show in the paper? Perhaps. The image, at any rate, is both typical of the artist and quite lovely. The signature has been produced by the same technique as the print.
$750.00 |
New Images