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7. Félix Saturnin Brissot de Warville (1818-1892) Parc à Moutons (Environs de Compiègne) |
(click on image to print)
Parc à Moutons (Environs de Compiègne)
Etching, 1881, Bibliothèque National Inventaire 12, 200 x 280 mm. A very fine proof before letters and number on laid japan paper with large margins ; the margins a bit dusty. From the image, it would be easy to classify Brissot as a later member of the Barbizon School. In fact, he had nothing to do with it, being a follower of the Parisian etcher Martial and the student of Cogniet. And Compiègne is northwest of Paris rather than southwest. He was a painter and printmaker of pastoral scenes and animals, particularly sheep, subjects he found in a number of different places in France. Like most French artists of the time, he was an excellent draughtsman. The Achenbach Foundation owns a published impression of this print.
$350.00 |
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