New Images
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- Appian, Bords du Ruisseau
- Beham, Ornament with a Palmette
- Benoit, A Grove of Trees
- Berman, Destruction Ancient City
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- Brissot de Warville, Parc à Moutons
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- Brouet, Grand Saint-Ouen
- Buhot, Idée du Frontispice
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- Charlet, Une Reconnaissance
- Cochin, Hercule Gaulois
- Collaert, St. Maclovius (St. Malo)
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- Daubigny, L’Heritage de la Voiture
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- Dugas, La Pentecôte
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- Lalanne, Le Pont des Arts
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- Nolpe, Peasant Woman
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- Paunzen, Pastorale, Allegro, No. 89
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- Rados, Title Page
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La Pentecôte
Original drawing in pen and black ink, watercolor and gouache, squared for transfer in pencil. Robert Dugas, not to be confused with the contemporary artist of the same name, was an artist from Lyon, the son of a sculptor, and a painter, most importantly to his own mind, of religious images. This mysterious looking drawing, deconstructed to a point of abstraction, is clearly, because of the squaring, a preliminary study for a painting or mural. And yet, the artist-drawn borderlines and printed title certainly indicate that Dugas valued it for its own sake, as a finished work in itself.
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