New Images

  1. Anonymous Italian, Venus
  2. Appian, Bords du Ruisseau
  3. Beham, Ornament with a Palmette
  4. Benoit, A Grove of Trees
  5. Berman, Destruction Ancient City
  6. Bonasone, Sculptures of Persians
  7. Brissot de Warville, Parc à Moutons
  8. Brizio, Satyr Spying on a Nymph
  9. Brouet, Grand Saint-Ouen
  10. Buhot, Idée du Frontispice
  11. Cameron, Glen Strae
  12. Charlet, Une Reconnaissance
  13. Cochin, Hercule Gaulois
  14. Collaert, St. Maclovius (St. Malo)
  15. Coornhert, Battlefield in America
  16. Daubigny, L’Heritage de la Voiture
  17. Denon,Family Seated Near a Wall
  18. Dietterlin, Ornamented Fountain
  19. Dugas, La Pentecôte
  20. Duplessis-Bertaux, The Church
  21. Dürer, The Young Couple
  22. Fantin-Latour, Baigneuses
  23. Gillot, Livre de Portières
  24. Good, Portrait of a Lady
  25. Grasset, La Belle Jardinière
  26. Gropper, The Art Patron
  27. Hackaert, A la Cava
  28. Haid, Woman Lighting Her Pipe
  29. Higgins, Two Peasants Arguing
  30. Hollar, Woman of Antwerp
  31. Huybrechts, Ornament
  32. Israels, A Scheveningen
  33. Lalanne, Le Pont des Arts
  34. Lalanne, Passage de la Marmite
  35. Legros, La Pêche à la Truble
  36. Lepic, Le Président Arbod
  37. Levine, A Hand Holding a Cigar
  38. Nadelman, Reclining Female Nude
  39. Nolpe, Peasant Man and Woman
  40. Nolpe, Peasant Woman
  41. Nura, Seraphine Sews
  42. Ossenbeeck, The Merchant
  43. Ostade, Bust of a Peasant
  44. Piranesi, Ruins of the Neronian
  45. Paunzen, Pastorale, Allegro, No. 89
  46. Quaglio, Falconing Party
  47. Rados, Title Page
  48. Rados, Acquedotti e Rovine Antiche
  49. Rados, Carceri nella Tragedia
  50. Rops, Ma Grand’ Tante
  51. Salamanca, Stratonice Mithridatis
  52. Sampson, Paris Rooftops
  53. Schmutzer, Holländerin mit Kuh
  54. Taquoy, Horses and Hounds
  55. Viera, Coronis Pursued by Neptune
  56. Vliet, Hunchbacked Beggar
  57. Voyez, La Visite Inattendue
  58. Willman, The Four Seasons
  59. Wit, Onder of Over (Under or Over)

50. Felicien Rops

Ma Grand’ Tante

(click on image to print)
Rops, Ma Grand’ Tante

Ma Grand’ Tante

Soft-ground and drypoint, Exsteens 345, ex collection: Edmond Haraucourt (Lugt on line 3599), 243 x 161 mm. Very fine impression on laid paper with very large, full margins; repaired tear and small losses at the sheet edges. While it is usually all too obvious what Rops is getting at, this particular image, together with its unexpected title, poses a problem. Ramiro, biographer and one of the cataloguers of Rops, claims to have found a bit of manuscript signed by the artist which explains it. There exists (or existed) in the family home, a painted portrait of his great aunt, hung in a room that no one ever visited. It was painted just before her entry into society and, while her mother wanted a nude representation portraying the girl as some mythological personage, the painter demurred and produced, rather, this just mildly erotic image (the full story is more complicated). The question you might ask, then, is if this print is supposed to reproduce that ancient painting. The real question, though, is proffered by Ramiro: was the manuscript a bit of autobiography – or was it the start of an unwritten novel? Fact or fiction? The print is rare.

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