Cities Seen
Metropolitan images from America and Europe
Metropolitan images from America and Europe
- AMSTERDAM: Frisius, Old St. Anthony's Gate
- AMSTERDAM: Orlik, Festtage in Amsterdam
- BORDEAUX: Lalanne, À Bordeaux (Vue Generale)
- BRUSSELS: Vraes, Rendering and Plan of a Railroad Viaduct
- FLORENCE: Pennell, Mecato Vecchio (The Old Market)
- FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN: Webster, Drei Koenigsstrasse
- JERUSALEM: Bouttats, View in Jerusalem
- LONDON: Carter, Air Street (in Old Regent Street)
- LONDON: Oakley, Ye Olde Dick Whittington
- LONDON: Pennell, Knightsbridge
- LONDON: Renouard, The Old Clothes Market, Houndsditch
- MESSINA: Casembrot, Harbor of Messina (Sicily)
- NAPLES: Doré, The Triumphal Entry of Garibaldi Into Naples
- NAPLES: Strang, Castel Nuovo
- NEW YORK: Born, Wall Street
- NEW YORK: Simonsen, Queensborough Bridge
- NEW YORK, Jones, East Side Jungle
- NEW YORK: Lewis, The Great Shadow
- NEW YORK: Marin, Downtown, the El
- NEW YORK: Marsh, East Tenth Street Jungle
- NEW YORK, Dolice, 5th Avenue and 55th Street
- NEW YORK: Spruance, Subway Playground
- NEW YORK: Torre-Bueno, Tug Boat by the Hell Gate Bridge
- NEW YORK: Walkowitz, Abstract Cityscape
- PARIS: Chahine, Saint-Ouen, Vue des Fortifications de Paris
- PARIS: Lepère, Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville
- PARIS: Lepère, Le Grand Marché aux Pommes
- PARIS:, Pavil, Place de la Concorde
- PRAGUE: Simon, Neruda Street at the Foot of the Castle
- ROME: Bone, The Trevi Fountain
- ROME: Montagu, Veduta di Piazza di Montecavallo (Quirinale)
- ROUEN: Pennell, The Flower Market and the Butter Tower
- SAN FRANCISCO: Winkler, Large Ross Alley
- SAN FRANCISCO: Winkler, The Tunnel
- SIENA: Tushingham, Torre del Mangia
- STOCKHOLM: Bone, Windy Night, Stockholm
- TANGIER: Hollar, A Part of Tangier from Above
- UTRECHT: Drewes, Utrecht
- VENICE: Moran, Venice
- VENICE: Webster, The Church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
- VIENNA: Singer, Am Hof
- VIENNA: Tuszynski, The Hauptallee in the Prater, Vienna --Then an
Am Hof, Vienna
Color etching, ca. 1920, 295 x 395 mm. A fine impression on chine-appliqué with large margins, titled and signed in pencil. Singer was one of a group of painter-etchers, including the better-known Luigi Kasimir, who documented the scenes and sights of Vienna in the early years of the last century. But Singer was interested more in conditions of light and atmosphere than in monuments per se, and his depiction here gives us the full feeling of a grey, snowy day in the inner city of Vienna, the outdoor market still functioning in the square surrounded by its Baroque architecture. As such, his work bears a certain resemblance to that of the Frenchman Félix Buhot. The muted colors appear to have been achieved by painting the surface of the plate before printing but after the inking of the lines.