Anonymous, En Auvergne
Appian, Ville au Bord
Beurdeley, Le Chemin aux Peupliers
Blanche, Pomponne Zelinska
Bodmer, Paon et Paonnes
Bouquet, Tête d’Enfant
Cain, Ezekiel’s Tomb
Calame, Valley of the Aar
Chahine, Portail
Dufeu, Rue Souk-El-Selah, au Caire
Fantin-Latour, Verité (petite planche)
Français, Les Derniers
Frélaut, Retour de Pêcheur
Gandara, Etude de Femme
Gautier, Le Marché aux Fleurs, Paris
Grossman, Pianist with Harlequin
Hardie, Picnic
Haskell, Trees and Hills
Heintzelman , Old Brass
Horter, Ye Olde Curiosity Shop, Nantucket
van Hoytema, Peacock amid East-Indian Foliage
Hoyton, Wroxton Down
Hubbard, Rag Yard
Huet, Vieilles Maisons
Huntley, Charleston, No. 1
Khnopff, Une Tête de Face
Lalanne, À Bordeaux (Vue Génerale)
Legros, Le Hameau Près du Lac
Liebermann, Der Weber
Lipton, The Surprise
MacLaughlan, The Towers (San Gimignano)
Maurin, The Orchestra
Osborne, Dordrecht
Pechstein, Hafen auf Fehmarn
Pennell, Law Courts, London
Ribot, L’Aide de Cuisine
Roth, Cliffside (New Jersey)
Roybet, Les Joueurs de Tric-Trac
Schrimpf, Mädchen mit Tauben
Sintenis, Two Gazelles
Staeger, Forest Scene
  Storm van s’Gravesande,  Au Bord
Strang, Tinkers
Webster, Road Through a Village
Winkler, Fruit Stall
Click on an image above or a title at the left to view the work.

A few words of explanation: our original UNDERVALUED ARTIST$ exhibit was more than a modest success.  It introduced five artists whose work, we believed, was considerably undervalued, artistically and financially, on the market today.  On the basis of the sales, many of you agreed with us.  This sequel takes a slightly different approach, listing some 45 prints by 45 different artists, in places mentioning that we have additional prints by that artist.  The point here is that some artists are undervalued, but also, that some prints, by otherwise commercially viable artists, are individually undervalued.  The major reason for both of these situations is fashion.  Certain artists, certain images, over the course of time go in and out of fashion.  Of course, not every out-of-fashion print is artistically fine; we could put together an exhibit of “losers” that would literally run off the screen (and not be bought by anyone but contrarians).   But we feel that the prints in this exhibit, and their backups, are fine and we invite you to look carefully at the images and less carefully at the names. If you think that the current financial situation has something to do with this exhibit, I would not dissuade you from the thought.  But fashionable art is always expensive, and good but unfashionable art can be cheap.  You don’t have to spend $250 for scarf with a designer label (I just bought mine for $10 without one).  Words may persuade but the eyes have it.