''A mocking kiss''
Satire, Irony, and Caricature in prints and drawings
Satire, Irony, and Caricature in prints and drawings
- Ghezzi: The Master at the Harpsichord and His Two Disciples
- Hogarth: The Four Times of Day
- Anon. British: The Bishopric
- Benedetti: The Night Beauty
- Goya: All Will Fall
- Goya: They are Hot
- Goya: Yes he Broke the pot
- Rowlandson: Death Taking the Young Mother
- Rowlandson: Mr. Bullock's Exhibition of Laplanders
- Gillray: The Bulstrode Siren
- att. to Heath: The Wish Granted
- Desperret: ''The Charter is a reality...''
- Tregear: A Genius
- Travies de Villers: The Political Tower of Babel
- Anonymous (19th Century): The Gout
- Bracquemond: Margot la Critique
- Detouche: La Gourmandise
- Bellows: Solitude
- de Bruycker: Placing the Dragon
- Blampied: Deux Précieux
- Eichenberg: The Follies of the Court
Mr. Bullock's Exhibition of Laplanders
Hand-colored etching, 1822, 297 x 450. William Bullock's "museum" was one of the most fashionable venues for the British public to marvel over natural curiosities, such as the Polish Dwarf and the Irish giant. Here Rowlandson has satirized the usual animated attendence, curious behavior and fanciful tastes of the moment as they gaze upon the novel Laplander family, complete with reindeer and sled. With a closer look at the costumes, the gestures and the facial expressions of the crowd, the print might have been more appropriately titled "Mr. Bullock's Exhibition of Londoners."