''A mocking kiss''
Satire, Irony, and Caricature in prints and drawings
Satire, Irony, and Caricature in prints and drawings
- Ghezzi: The Master at the Harpsichord and His Two Disciples
- Hogarth: The Four Times of Day
- Anon. British: The Bishopric
- Benedetti: The Night Beauty
- Goya: All Will Fall
- Goya: They are Hot
- Goya: Yes he Broke the pot
- Rowlandson: Death Taking the Young Mother
- Rowlandson: Mr. Bullock's Exhibition of Laplanders
- Gillray: The Bulstrode Siren
- att. to Heath: The Wish Granted
- Desperret: ''The Charter is a reality...''
- Tregear: A Genius
- Travies de Villers: The Political Tower of Babel
- Anonymous (19th Century): The Gout
- Bracquemond: Margot la Critique
- Detouche: La Gourmandise
- Bellows: Solitude
- de Bruycker: Placing the Dragon
- Blampied: Deux Précieux
- Eichenberg: The Follies of the Court
La Gourmandise
Etching and color aquatint, 1900, 280 x 202 mm., B.N. Inv. 22, from The Seven Deadly Sins. The traditional figure of gluttony is represented either voraciously stuffing himself with food and drink or vomiting. Detouche's vice is beautifully justified by being the vehicle for enjoyment and the ability to savor all that is good. A fine impression on wove paper with good margins.