''A mocking kiss''
Satire, Irony, and Caricature in prints and drawings
Satire, Irony, and Caricature in prints and drawings
- Ghezzi: The Master at the Harpsichord and His Two Disciples
- Hogarth: The Four Times of Day
- Anon. British: The Bishopric
- Benedetti: The Night Beauty
- Goya: All Will Fall
- Goya: They are Hot
- Goya: Yes he Broke the pot
- Rowlandson: Death Taking the Young Mother
- Rowlandson: Mr. Bullock's Exhibition of Laplanders
- Gillray: The Bulstrode Siren
- att. to Heath: The Wish Granted
- Desperret: ''The Charter is a reality...''
- Tregear: A Genius
- Travies de Villers: The Political Tower of Babel
- Anonymous (19th Century): The Gout
- Bracquemond: Margot la Critique
- Detouche: La Gourmandise
- Bellows: Solitude
- de Bruycker: Placing the Dragon
- Blampied: Deux Précieux
- Eichenberg: The Follies of the Court
Margot la Critique </I>or<I> Une Pie
Etching, 1854, 240 x 219 mm., Beraldi 113 iii/iii, Bouillon AC 4 iii/iv, as published by l'Artiste, 1858. The precise, natural detail of Bracquemond's anthropomorphic representations is admirable. His allegory is simple: a critic exercises her destructive impulses on various Parisian institutions (Opéra, Musée, Palais, Académie, Ecole, Librairie) with a quill possibly plucked from her own tail. This amusing image of a shrieking magpie is also a visual pun on the French word pie that can mean either magpie or shrew. A fine impression on chine-applique with small margins.