Masterworks of Printmaking and Drawing
- Dürer, Saint Christopher
- Claesz, Vignette with a Sphinx
- Tempesta, Turkish Soldiers
- Goltzius, Apollo
- Ribera, The Poet
- Callot, Les Danseurs
- Rembrandt, Nude Man Seated
- Ostade, The Hunchbacked Fiddler
- Everdingen, The Dilapidated Cottage
- Piranesi, The Well
- Goya, Esto Si Que Es Leer
- Descourtis, L'Amant Surpris
- Daumier, Aspect de le la Salle
- Meryon, Le Petit Pont
- Lessore, Barge Builders
- Lalanne, Rade de Bordeaux
- Andrieux, Don Quixote Telling
- Whistler, Wheelwright
- Buhot, Dèbarquement en Angleterre
- Toulouse-Lautrec, Repetition Generale
- Cross, Champs-Elyseè
- Zorn, The New Maid
- Munch, Alte Männer und Knaben
- Delâtre, Standing Peasant
- Vallotton, La Nuit
- Kollwitz, Tod Hält Mädchen
- Matisse, La Persane
- Sloan, Romany Marye's
- Villon, La Petite Mulatresse
- Walkowitz, Two Figures Seated
- Campigli, Woman with a Veil
- Eby, The Storm
Standing Peasent and Cottages
Watercolor with pen and ink, ca. 1900, 227 x 302 mm, signed in ink. Eugène was the son of Auguste Delâtre, the preeminent artistic printer in France, a title he himself succeeded to. But Eugène, far more than his father, was also a creative artist, particularly in the area of color aquatint prints and watercolors. His importance has begun to be realized only in recent years, as works such as this one have come to light.