- van Meckenem, Ecce Homo
- Dürer, Saint Jerome
- Dürer, The Little Courier
- Dürer, The Satyr Family
- Raimondi, Façade with Caryatids
- Altdorfer, The Resurrection
- Beham, Peasant Couple
- Beham or Dürer, Bookplate
- Pencz, The Life of Christ
- Davent, Musicians
- Lautensack, Landscape
- Matham, The Planets
- Callot, Balli di Sfessania
- Callot, La Chasse au Cerf
- Rembrandt, Clement de Jonghe
- Rembrandt, The Goldsmith
- Della Bella, The Five Deaths
- Ostade, The Fiddler
- Both, The Five Senses
- Nanteuil, Hardouin de Beaumont
- Visscher, A Mouse in a Mouse Trap
- Masson, Guilllaume de Brisacier
- Piranesi, A View of the Temple
- Watson, Mrs. Hale as Euphrosyne
- Moreau, Les Petits Parains
- Janinet, Le Sommeil d’Arianne
- Blake, And My Servant Job
- Unknown Engraver, Frederick
- Gericault, Horses Going to a Fair
- Jacque, Les Musiciens
- Haden, A By-Road in Tipperary
- Meryon, Saint-Etienne-du-Mont
- Bresdin, La Sainte Famille
- Whistler, Battersea Dawn
- Whistler, Limehouse
- Fantin-Latour, Manfred and Astarte
- Legros, Le Grand Canal
- Buhot, La Place des Martyrs
- Forain, Le Calvaire (2e planche)
- Pennell, In the Mist of the Morning
- Hassam, The Old Mulford House
- Zorn, "Oxenstierna"
- Toulouse-Lautrec, La Modiste
- Cameron, The Palace
- Sloan, Anshutz on Anatomy
- Bone, The Trevi Fountain, Rome
- Knight, At the Footlights
- McBey, Palestine: Blue Bonnets
La Sainte Famille à la Perche
Etching and roulette, 1858, 67 x 124 mm., Van Gelder 91 ii/iii. Fine, black impression with the added roulette work but before the re-biting of the plate, on chine-appliqué with large margins. This small image, with its sacred subject and almost obsessively miniaturized detail, still carries the same sense of mystery that permeates Bresdin’s larger works and is so much a part of his appeal. Surely, a representation of the holy family, clearly on the Flight into Egypt, but seated among the reeds at the edge of a swamp, with an inexplicable dog and no donkey, and Joseph holding a long pole (perche), must elicit a question – like “why?” Were this a medieval work of art, one might search through legends to find an answer. But this is a work of the mid-nineteenth century and the answer, if there is one, is buried with the artist.