Sixteenth Century Northern Engraving & Etching
- Master MZ: Aristotle and Phyllis
- Dürer: Virgin & Child
- Dürer: Virgin & Child Crowned
- Dürer: Frederick the Wise
- Dürer: Saint Philip
- van Leyden: Triumph of David
- Zundt: Arrest of Baumgartner
- Hopfer: Charles V
- Beham: The Expulsion
- Beham: Mask Held by 2 Genii
- Beham: Mask Held by 2 Genii
- Brosamer: The Lute Player
- Pencz: Artemisia Preparing to Drink
- Pencz: Johann Friedrich
- Monogrammist CP : Dido
- Aldegrever: Dagger Sheath Design
- Aldegrever: Ornament with a Bat
- Hirschvogel: David's Triumph
- Hirschvogel: The Defeat and Death
- Claesz: Allegory with a Woman
- Massys: Two Crippled Musicians
- Cock: Colossaei
- Cock: Landscape with a Castle
- Ladenspelder: The Four Evangelists
- Brun: Two Turkish Men
- Suavius: Saint Paul Seated
- Delaune: Combat of the Centaurs
- Davent: Alexander Mastering Bucephalus
- Davent: Un Marais
- Thibaud: Hagar Gives Ishmael a Jug
- Woeiriot: Battaile de Constantin
- Galle: Solomon Building
- Sadeler: St. Paul at Corinth
- Wierex: Henry III
- Goltzius: Arnoud van Beresteyn
- Goltzius: Mercury and Argus
- Goltzius: A Young Man
- Collaert : January
- Collaert : Musical Celebration
- Collaert: David Playing the Harp
- van de Passe: Christian IV
- Muller: Belshazzar's Feast
Un Marais
Etching, Herbet 205, ref. Zerner L.D. 95.
A fine impression of this rare print, which is signed with initials by the tree root in the lower left quadrant and bears the tiny number 3 outside the top borderline at the
center, on laid paper with the watermark of a crescent or posthorn with a flower over an indecipherable name, and with small magins; a few small, pale stains and a tiny abrasion. This clearly imaginary view shows a variety of wildlife and a group of men constructing a sort of wooden lookout. It is part of a group of landscape etchings, generally with figures, which Zerner has tried assiduously but unsuccessfully to disattribute to Davent.
Some of the group, however, lack the L.D. monogram and Zerner offers the possibility that they may be both designed and etched by Jean Cousin the Younger.