Sixteenth Century Northern Engraving & Etching
- Master MZ: Aristotle and Phyllis
- Dürer: Virgin & Child
- Dürer: Virgin & Child Crowned
- Dürer: Frederick the Wise
- Dürer: Saint Philip
- van Leyden: Triumph of David
- Zundt: Arrest of Baumgartner
- Hopfer: Charles V
- Beham: The Expulsion
- Beham: Mask Held by 2 Genii
- Beham: Mask Held by 2 Genii
- Brosamer: The Lute Player
- Pencz: Artemisia Preparing to Drink
- Pencz: Johann Friedrich
- Monogrammist CP : Dido
- Aldegrever: Dagger Sheath Design
- Aldegrever: Ornament with a Bat
- Hirschvogel: David's Triumph
- Hirschvogel: The Defeat and Death
- Claesz: Allegory with a Woman
- Massys: Two Crippled Musicians
- Cock: Colossaei
- Cock: Landscape with a Castle
- Ladenspelder: The Four Evangelists
- Brun: Two Turkish Men
- Suavius: Saint Paul Seated
- Delaune: Combat of the Centaurs
- Davent: Alexander Mastering Bucephalus
- Davent: Un Marais
- Thibaud: Hagar Gives Ishmael a Jug
- Woeiriot: Battaile de Constantin
- Galle: Solomon Building
- Sadeler: St. Paul at Corinth
- Wierex: Henry III
- Goltzius: Arnoud van Beresteyn
- Goltzius: Mercury and Argus
- Goltzius: A Young Man
- Collaert : January
- Collaert : Musical Celebration
- Collaert: David Playing the Harp
- van de Passe: Christian IV
- Muller: Belshazzar's Feast
Two Crippled Musicians
Engraving, 57 x 43 mm., Hollstein 38 i/ii from Dances of Crippled Beggars.
The two are shown standing, full length, one playing a hurdy-gurdy, the other the cliquet or clappers. Massys, whose prints are invariably rare, is one of a number of Netherlandish artists whose miniature prints parallel the German "Little Master" tradition. A very good impression of the first state (it is questionable whether these prints ever come brilliant) on laid paper with thread margins most of the way around.