Sixteenth Century Northern Engraving & Etching
- Master MZ: Aristotle and Phyllis
- Dürer: Virgin & Child
- Dürer: Virgin & Child Crowned
- Dürer: Frederick the Wise
- Dürer: Saint Philip
- van Leyden: Triumph of David
- Zundt: Arrest of Baumgartner
- Hopfer: Charles V
- Beham: The Expulsion
- Beham: Mask Held by 2 Genii
- Beham: Mask Held by 2 Genii
- Brosamer: The Lute Player
- Pencz: Artemisia Preparing to Drink
- Pencz: Johann Friedrich
- Monogrammist CP : Dido
- Aldegrever: Dagger Sheath Design
- Aldegrever: Ornament with a Bat
- Hirschvogel: David's Triumph
- Hirschvogel: The Defeat and Death
- Claesz: Allegory with a Woman
- Massys: Two Crippled Musicians
- Cock: Colossaei
- Cock: Landscape with a Castle
- Ladenspelder: The Four Evangelists
- Brun: Two Turkish Men
- Suavius: Saint Paul Seated
- Delaune: Combat of the Centaurs
- Davent: Alexander Mastering Bucephalus
- Davent: Un Marais
- Thibaud: Hagar Gives Ishmael a Jug
- Woeiriot: Battaile de Constantin
- Galle: Solomon Building
- Sadeler: St. Paul at Corinth
- Wierex: Henry III
- Goltzius: Arnoud van Beresteyn
- Goltzius: Mercury and Argus
- Goltzius: A Young Man
- Collaert : January
- Collaert : Musical Celebration
- Collaert: David Playing the Harp
- van de Passe: Christian IV
- Muller: Belshazzar's Feast
The Lute Player
Engraving, 1531, 141 x 109 mm., Bartsch 17, Hollstein 25, Kinsky 81-3.
An early, full-length study of a seated young man in a courtier's dress (with codpiece), full face, playing a lute. This is an extremely rare print, Hollstein recording only seven impressions of it sold between 1885 and 1954, and it is about four times the size of the usual Little Master musical print. A generally fine impression – which would have been finer had it not been pounced (pin pricked) for transfer, slightly weakening the appearance of the engraved lines – on laid paper with partial thread margins, elsewhere trimmed on or just inside the platemark, but always outside the subject.