Five Centuries of Prints and Drawings of Musical Subjects
Five Centuries of Prints and Drawings of Musical Subjects
- Anon. German, Three Soldiers
- Morellon de la Cave, Vivaldi
- Bloemaert, Majus (May)
- Leonart, Johann Welter
- after Lely, Madame Mary Davis
- att. to Hogarth, Senesino...
- Faber, Mrs. Robinson
- Küsel, Ville de Paride
- Goeneutte, The Duet
- Crehen, Franz Liszt
- Rowlandson , The Welsh Bard
- Hollar, Seven Hunting Horns
- Dequevauviller, L’Assemblée
- Kostomolotsky, Shostakovich
- Solis, Triumph of Flora (Spring)
- Faithorne, Thomas Mace
- Panneels, Saint Cecilia
- Dagoty, Jean-Philippe Rameau
- van de Passe, Orpheus
- Lievens, Jacques Gaultier
- Della Bella, Selva di Diana
- Amman, Three Players
- Silvestre, Troisième Journée
- Anon. French, Nicolò Paganini
- Aroun-al-Rascid, Charpentier
- Polanzani, Masked Ball
- Hegi, Beethoven
- Anonymous, Koussevitzsky
- Kolb, Celebration Plate
- Ravenet, L’Orchestre
- de Wael, Auditus
- Dassonville, Le Concert
- Fantin-Latour, Finale
- Renouard, Dans les Coulisses
- da Trento, Saint Cecilia
- Muller, Jan Pietersz Sweelinck
- Brun, Euterpe Playing
- Sadeler, Jubal
- after Vernet, Gottschalk
- Bickham, Invitation to Mira
- Hohlenberg, Emil Telmányi
- Rops, Le Père Muck
- Bompiani, A Nun Turning
- Legrand, Teutonophonie
- Keene, The Cellist
- Crampton, The Flutist
- Bouchot, Exécution Brillante
- Kilian, The Dancing Lesson
- de Jode, Henri Liberti
- Chauveau, Timbalier et Trompette
Nicolò Paganini
Lithograph, ca. 1830 (?), 190 x 145 mm., ex collection: Jacques Françaix (not in Lugt). A rarely seen, and quite unflattering, portrait of the great violin virtuoso (1782-1840) - clearly showing his distorted jaw - presumably done in Paris toward the end of his life. Fine impression on wove paper with large margins; paper slightly toned in the area of the old mat opening. This impression formerly belonged to the late dealer in fine violins, Jacques Françaix.