Five Centuries of Prints and Drawings of Musical Subjects
Five Centuries of Prints and Drawings of Musical Subjects
- Anon. German, Three Soldiers
- Morellon de la Cave, Vivaldi
- Bloemaert, Majus (May)
- Leonart, Johann Welter
- after Lely, Madame Mary Davis
- att. to Hogarth, Senesino...
- Faber, Mrs. Robinson
- Küsel, Ville de Paride
- Goeneutte, The Duet
- Crehen, Franz Liszt
- Rowlandson , The Welsh Bard
- Hollar, Seven Hunting Horns
- Dequevauviller, L’Assemblée
- Kostomolotsky, Shostakovich
- Solis, Triumph of Flora (Spring)
- Faithorne, Thomas Mace
- Panneels, Saint Cecilia
- Dagoty, Jean-Philippe Rameau
- van de Passe, Orpheus
- Lievens, Jacques Gaultier
- Della Bella, Selva di Diana
- Amman, Three Players
- Silvestre, Troisième Journée
- Anon. French, Nicolò Paganini
- Aroun-al-Rascid, Charpentier
- Polanzani, Masked Ball
- Hegi, Beethoven
- Anonymous, Koussevitzsky
- Kolb, Celebration Plate
- Ravenet, L’Orchestre
- de Wael, Auditus
- Dassonville, Le Concert
- Fantin-Latour, Finale
- Renouard, Dans les Coulisses
- da Trento, Saint Cecilia
- Muller, Jan Pietersz Sweelinck
- Brun, Euterpe Playing
- Sadeler, Jubal
- after Vernet, Gottschalk
- Bickham, Invitation to Mira
- Hohlenberg, Emil Telmányi
- Rops, Le Père Muck
- Bompiani, A Nun Turning
- Legrand, Teutonophonie
- Keene, The Cellist
- Crampton, The Flutist
- Bouchot, Exécution Brillante
- Kilian, The Dancing Lesson
- de Jode, Henri Liberti
- Chauveau, Timbalier et Trompette
Dmitri Shostakovich
Original drawing in pencil, charcoal or black crayon, pink wash and white heightening, 417 x 297 mm. A superb portrait of the great Soviet composer. Kostomolotsky and Shostakovich were friends as well as contemporaries and the artist made many portraits of the composer. Such life portraits become increasingly important as musical documents, as well as fine art, with the passage of years. Signed with initials and in excellent condition.