The Barbizon School
prints & drawings
prints & drawings
- Chaigneau, Mouton
- Chaigneau, Studies of Sheep
- Chaigneau, Le Petit Troupeau
- Chaigneau, Femme Gardant
- Corot, Souvenir de Toscane
- Corot, Souvenir de Toscane
- Corot, Souvenir de la Villa
- Daubigny, Bord de la Mer
- Daubigny, L'Orage
- Daubigny, Le Grand Parc
- Daubigny, Le Cochon
- Daubigny, Lever de Lune
- Daubigny, Lever de Lune
- Daubigny, Le Mousse à la Pêche
- Daubigny, Les Vendanges
- Diaz, Les Folles Amoureuses
- Dupré, Fallen Tree in a Forest
- Français, Un Chemin
- Grenaud, Portrait of Corot
- Jacque, A Covered Wagon
- Jacque, Lisière du Bois
- Jacque, Frontispiece Design
- Jacque, Village au Bord
- Jacque, Porte d'Auberge
- Jacque, La Souricière
- Laurens, Clairière
- Lavieille, Les Travaux
- Lavieille, The Reaper
- Lazerges, The Sower
- Leroy, Le Bas Bréau
- Millet, Snails
- Millet, La Planche aux Croquis
- Millet, La Bouillie
- Millet, Feeding the Chickens
- Millet, Zoomorphic Rocks
- Rousseau, Route dans la Forêt
- Rousseau, Fête de Village
- Rousseau, In the Savoie
Fête de Village (Village Celebration)
Pencil, 122 x 198 mm. Not in Schulman. Provenance: artist's estate (Lugt 2436).
Detailed and shaded compositional sketch with cottages under trees and dozens of figures, on tan wove paper, signed with the estate stamp. The drawing is complete but not finished, and with the character of a sketch from life. The scene is almost certainly in or around Barbizon. Although the sheet is absent from Schulman's catalog, its stamp exactly matches one of those listed there as authentic and does not resemble any of those he deems suspect. Stylistically, the drawing would seem to date from ca. 1837-40 and the paper size matches that of several from that time.