Title:: |
Six Eaux Fortes par Hervier (complete album) |
Year:: |
1875 |
Artist: |
Hervier, Adolphe |
After: |
Medium: |
etching |
Provenance: |
Period: |
French 19th Century |
School/Style: |
Catalogs: |
Beraldi 46 only, 47-8 i/ii, 49-51 ii/ii;
Price: |
$2,000.00 |
Description: |
The complete set in the original pink paper folio with etched title. Fine impressions on india-applique with large, full margins. The set comprises Femme Puissant de l'Eau dans un Abreuvoir, Village sur le Bord d'une Riviere, Interieur de Paysan, Interieur de l'Eglise, Bateau de Peche sur la Greve and Deux Bucherons. Hervier has perennially been perhaps the most under-appreciated artist of the nineteenth century in France. Although his graphic works are invariably small in size, their workmanship is superb and his subject matter similar to, and at least as interesting as, Millet's. |