Fine Prints at Low Prices
Fine Prints at Low Prices
- Anonymous, En Auvergne
- Appian, Ville au Bord
- Beurdeley, Le Chemin aux Peupliers
- Blanche, Pomponne Zelinska
- Bodmer, Paon et Paonnes
- Bouquet, Tête d’Enfant
- Cain, Ezekiel’s Tomb
- Calame, Valley of the Aar
- Chahine, Portail
- Dufeu, Rue Souk-El-Selah, au Caire
- Fantin-Latour, Verité (petite planche)
- Français, Les Derniers
- Frélaut, Retour de Pêcheur
- Gandara, Etude de Femme
- Gautier, Le Marché aux Fleurs, Paris
- Grossman, Pianist with Harlequin
- Hardie, Picnic
- Haskell, Trees and Hills
- Heintzelman , Old Brass
- Horter, Ye Olde Curiosity Shop, Nantucket
- van Hoytema, Peacock amid East-Indian Foliage
- Hoyton, Wroxton Down
- Hubbard, Rag Yard
- Huet, Vieilles Maisons
- Huntley, Charleston, No. 1
- Khnopff, Une Tête de Face
- Lalanne, À Bordeaux (Vue Génerale)
- Legros, Le Hameau Près du Lac
- Liebermann, Der Weber
- Lipton, The Surprise
- MacLaughlan, The Towers (San Gimignano)
- Maurin, The Orchestra
- Osborne, Dordrecht
- Pechstein, Hafen auf Fehmarn
- Pennell, Law Courts, London
- Ribot, L’Aide de Cuisine
- Roth, Cliffside (New Jersey)
- Roybet, Les Joueurs de Tric-Trac
- Schrimpf, Mädchen mit Tauben
- Sintenis, Two Gazelles
- Staeger, Forest Scene
- Storm van s’Gravesande, Au Bord
- Strang, Tinkers
- Webster, Road Through a Village
- Winkler, Fruit Stall
Paon et Paonnes sur une Branche
Etching, Delteil 55, B. N. Inv. 5, 240 x 160 mm. Fine impression on tan laid paper with large margins. Bodmer, a Swiss-born artist, is well known in the historic print area for his many and fine lithographs of the exploration of the American West. Less well known is that he was at Barbizon in its heyday as an artistic nexus and that he did superb etchings and lithographs of animals in their natural habitats. This marvelous image of a peacock and peahens is clearly as much a work of art as an ornithological study and the decorative quality of the foliage is accented by the subtle incorporation in it of his signature (backwards) at the lower right.